Kommersekollegiet, Brannforsikringskontoret 1767-1814, Branntakster, no. Fa 8.1: Fire assessment protocol for Bragernes 1765, Astaref: AV/RA-EA-5458/F/Fa/L0008/0001

Source information

Riksarkivet AV/RA-EA-5458/F/Fa/L0008/0001
Link to Arkivportalen
RA-EA-5458: Kommersekollegiet, Brannforsikringskontoret 1767-1814
F: Branntakster
Fa: Kjøpstedenes brannforsikrings- og branntaksasjonsprotokoller med tilhørende dokumenter
L0008: Bragernes
0001: Branntakstprotokoll Fire assessment documents no. 8.1 /1765 - - Fire safety assessments Property Insurance and assurances State archives Danish-norwegian central services Houses and buildings


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Kommersekollegiet, Brannforsikringskontoret 1767-1814, AV/RA-EA-5458/F/Fa/L0008/0001: Bragernes / Branntakstprotokoll, 1765