Kinsarvik kommune, Ullensvang fattiggard, Hesthamar, Korrespondanse, 1905-1923, Astaref: IKAH/1231a-445/D/Da/L0003/0001

Source information

IKA Hordaland IKAH/1231a-445/D/Da/L0003/0001
Link to Arkivportalen
1231a-445: Kinsarvik kommune. Ullensvang fattiggard, Hesthamar
D: Korrespondanse. Ymse dokument
Da: Korrespondanse
L0003: Ullensvang fattiggard. Korrespondanse
0001: Ullensvang fattiggard. Korrespondanse Miscellaneous poverty matters 1905 - 1923 - - Letters and correspondence Municiple archives Poorhouse Archive's Day 2021


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