Justisdepartementet, Sivilavdelingen (RA/S-6490), Sivilavdelingen 1998-2003, Saksarkiv ordnet etter arkivnøkkel, nr. 842: Arkivkode 470.0 - Datatilsynet generelt, snr. 00/07207 - 02/03803, Astaref: RA/-

Source information

Riksarkivet RA/-
-: Justisdepartementet, Sivilavdelingen (RA/S-6490)
Records archive no. 2/D/Da/L0842 /2000 - 2002 - Arkivkode 470.0 - Datatilsynet generelt, snr. 00/07207 - 02/03803 Case archives State archives Government departments Departmental institutions Scan on demand (NA)


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