Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, Falstad prisoner camp and Vollan prison, no. 18: Prisoner register, Vollan prison, 1940-1945, Astaref: AV/RA-RAFA-5969/F/Fc/L0018

Source information

Riksarkivet AV/RA-RAFA-5969/F/Fc/L0018
Link to Arkivportalen
RAFA-5969: Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD
F: Tyske fangeleire
Fc: Falstad fangeleir (Polizeihäflingslager Falstad) og Vollan fengsel
L0018: Vollan - fangefortegnelser m.v.
Other source no. 18 /1940 - 1945 - - Personalia Prisoners Second world war State archives German occupation organs Prisons and penitentiaries The National Archive's Spring Release 2020


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