Østlandske skibsassuranceforening. Casualty documents. Nymphen of Christiansund 1874., Astaref: VEMU/A-1079/G/Ga/L0006/0001

Source information

The Vestfold Archive VEMU/A-1079/G/Ga/L0006/0001
Link to Arkivportalen
A-1079: Pa 63 - Østlandske skibsassuranceforening
G: Forsikringsdokumentasjon
Ga: Havaridokumenter
L0006: Havaridokumenter
0001: Nymphen Other source 1874 - Digitalisert av Slekt og Data Vestfold. Sailors Insurance and assurances Ships and boats Seafaring, Maritime Private archives


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