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L0001 | Vaksinasjonsprotokoll | 1898 - 1910 | First page |
L0001 | Forhandlingsbok for Nordvik formannskap | 1917 - 01.11.1928 | First page |
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L0002 | Forhandlingsprotokoll for Nordvik formannskap | 1928 - 15.07.1935 | First page |
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L0003 | Forhandlinsbok for Nordvik herredstyret | 1935 - 10.04.1945 | First page |
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L0004 | Bok på de vedtak ordføreren i Nordvik gjør på herredstyret | 1942 - 24.09.1947 | First page |
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L0005 | Møtebok | 1947 - 10.07.1950 | First page |
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L0006 | Møtebok | 1950 - 1955 | First page |
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L0007 | Møtebok | 1956 - 1960 | First page |
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L0008 | Møtebok | 1960 - 1961 | First page |
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L0001 | Møtebok, Kommunestyre/Ordfører vedtak | 1943 - 1946 | First page |
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L0001 | Møtebok | 26.09.1887 - 26.08.1911 | First page |
L0002 | Møtebok | 06.07.1949 - 02.11.1953 | First page |
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L002a | Møtebok | 1953 - 1957 | First page |
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L0001 | Oversikt over personer som har mottat nattverd i Nordvik kirke | 1892 - 1901 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll | 1832 - 1863 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll | 1864 - 1871 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Skoleprotokoll | 1870 | First page | Content |
L0004 | Skoleprotokoll | 1880 - 1887 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Skoleprotokoll | 1887 - 1891 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Skoleprotokoll | 1888 - 1893 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Møtebok | 1838 - 1873 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Møtebok | 1890 - 1898 | First page | Content |
L0004 | Møtebok | 1898 - 1905 | First page | Content |
L0005 | Møtebok | 1906 - 1912 | First page | Content |
L0006 | Møtebok | 1912 - 1918 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Møtebok | 1899 - 1913 | First page |
L0002 | Møtebok | 1913 - 1923 | First page |
L0001 | Kopibok | 17.01.1903 - 10.06.1910 | First page |
L0001 | Møtebok | 1839 - 1868 | First page |
L0002 | Møtebok | 1956 - 1962 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Møtebok | 27.10.1890 - 17.11.1900 | First page | Content |
L0004 | Møtebok | 12.12.1910 - 1915 | First page | Content |
L0005 | Møtebok | 07.12.1915 - 10.06.1918 | First page | Content |
L0006 | Møtebok | 1917 - 1923 | First page |
L0007 | Møtebok | 1923 - 1927 | First page |
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L0008 | Møtebok | 1927 - 1929 | First page |
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L0009 | Møtebok | 1929 - 1934 | First page |
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L0010 | Møtebok | 1934 - 1938 | First page |
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L0011 | Møtebok | 1939 - 1944 | First page |
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L0012 | Møtebok | 1941 - 1945 | First page |
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L0013 | Møtebok | 1945 - 1948 | First page |
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L0014 | Møtebok | 1949 - 1952 | First page |
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L0015 | Møtebok | 1952 - 1955 | First page |
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L0016 | Møtebok | 1952 - 1961 | First page |
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L0017 | Møtebok | 1961 - 1963 | First page |
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L0018 | Møtebok | 1962 - 1963 | First page |
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L0001 | Elevavis | 1956 - 1961 | First page |
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L0001 | Møtebok | 1963 | Løsmateriale fra arkivet er samlet under serien Ea. Dette gjelder både løse sider og enkeltark som var lagt sammen med protokollene. Protokollene som inneholdt løsmateriale har fått sin egen mappe hvor innholdet fra den bestemte protokollen er samlet. | First page |
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