Your search returned 1376 results.
1882 - 1891 | Skolekretser: 1. Motland 2. Friskolen 3. Høyland | First page | Content |
1893 - 1904 | Skolekretser: 1. Høyland 2. Gudmestad 3. Vigre | First page | Content |
1898 - 1907 | Skolekretser: 1. Høyland 2. Nærland | First page | Content |
1904 - 1915 | Skolekretser: 1. Høyland 2. Vigre | First page | Content |
1906 - 1915 | Skolekretser: 1. Høyland 2. Vigre 3. Nærland | First page | Content |
L0001 | "Hvidveis" | 1907 - 1912 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Håndført lagsavis Sund | 1918 - 1930 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Møtebok | 1888 - 1899 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Møtebok | 02.01.1900 - 29.10.1912 | First page | Content |
L0004 | Møtebok | 20.01.1913 - 23.11.1921 | First page | Content |
L0005 | Møtebok | 21.12.1921 - 28.10.1931 | First page | Content |
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L0006 | Møtebok | 11.11.1931 - 08.03.1938 | First page | Content |
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L0007 | Møtebok | 1938 - 1943 | First page | Content |
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L0008 | Møtebok | 20.05.1943 - 11.04.1945 | First page | Content |
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L0009 | Møtebok | 1945 - 1948 | First page | Content |
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L0010 | Møtebok | 19.11.1948 - 16.11.1951 | First page | Content |
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L0011 | Møtebok | 16.11.1951 - 19.01.1954 | First page | Content |
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L0012 | Møtebok | 11.05.1954 - 19.03.1958 | First page | Content |
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L0013 | Møtebok | 26.03.1958 - 16.10.1961 | First page | Content |
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L0014 | Møtebok | 23.10.1961 - 02.12.1963 | First page | Content |
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L0015 | Møtebok | 09.12.1963 - 22.08.1966 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Møtebok | 1837 - 1888 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Møtebok | 29.01.1954 - 10.04.1957 | First page | Content |
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L0002 | Møtebok | 08.05.1957 - 11.05.1960 | First page | Content |
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L0003 | Møtebok | 15.06.1960 - 15.05.1963 | First page | Content |
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L0004 | Møtebok | 07.06.1963 - 09.12.1965 | First page | Content |
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L0004a | Møtebok | 1964 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Kopibok | 1837 - 1894 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Kopibok | 1894 - 1900 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Kopibok | 1900 - 1914 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Journal | 1837 - 1900 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Journal | 1900 - 1911 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Journal | 1911 - 1916 | First page | Content |
L0004 | Journal | 1916 - 1924 | First page | Content |
L0001 | "Vårvon" | 1933 - 1944 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Håndskrevet sangbok | 1930 - 1950 | First page | Content |
L0001 | Møtebok | 1850 - 1886 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Møtebok | 1887 - 1906 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Møtebok | 1906 - 1921 | First page | Content |
L0004 | Møtebok | 1921 - 1934 | First page | Content |
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L0005 | Møtebok | 1934 - 1945 | First page | Content |
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L0006 | Møtebok | 1945 - 1954 | First page | Content |
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L0007 | Møtebok | 1954 - 1962 | First page | Content |
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L0008 | Møtebok | 1962 - 1967 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Vedtaksbok - Ordføreren | 1941 - 1942 | First page | Content |
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L0001 | Lagsblad "Lyngknuppen" | 1922 - 1924 | First page | Content |
L0002 | Lagsblad "Lyngknuppen" | 1924 - 1926 | First page | Content |
L0003 | Lagsblad "Lyngknuppen" | 1926 | First page | Content |
L0004 | Lagsblad "Lyngknuppen" | 1926 - 1930 | First page | Content |