Gudbrandsdal sorenskriveri, Sør-Gudbrandsdal distrikt, probate records no. 1, 1682-1721, Astaref: AV/SAH-TING-036/J/Ja/Jab/L0001

Source information

Statsarkivet i Hamar AV/SAH-TING-036/J/Ja/Jab/L0001
Link to Arkivportalen
SAH-TING-036: Sorenskriverier i Gudbrandsdalen
Ja: Skifteprotokoller
Jab: Skifteprotokoller - Sør-Gudbrandsdal
L0001: Skifteprotokoll - Sør-Gudbrandsdal
Probate records no. 1 /28.10.1682 - 25.09.1721 Oppland county
Gudbrandsdal jud. dist.
Sør-Gudbrandsdal distrikt various
Aut. 14.02.1683 til bruk for Thomas Pedersøn Randwlf i Søndre Guldbrandzdahlen. Se: skifteprotokoll nr. 3 i Rekke I. Probate and inheritence Probate journals and documents Personalia State archives Judges and clerks


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