Oslo byfogd avd. I, Indexes to marriage registers (civil), no. 11: 1964-1969, Astaref: SAO/A-10220/L/La/L0011

Source information

Statsarkivet i Oslo SAO/A-10220/L/La/L0011
Link to Arkivportalen
A-10220: Oslo byfogd avd. I
L: Notarialforretninger
La: Registre over notarialforretninger
L0011: Vigselsregister
Index to marriage register (civil) no. 11 /01.01.1964 - 11.07.1969 Oslo county
Oslo city jud. dist.
Vigselsregister Notary publics Civil marriages Personalia Engagements, banns and marriage State archives Judges and clerks


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