Ligningsmanntall for Stavanger 1916 - Domkirkens Menighed, Stine Lundsgate - Strandgate Øvre, Astaref: BYST/A-0010/F/Fc/Fcn/L0009

Source information

Stavanger city archive BYST/A-0010/F/Fc/Fcn/L0009
Link to Arkivportalen
A-0010: Stavanger kommune. Ligningsmanntallet
F: Folketellinger
Fc: Kommunale folketellinger 1903-1916
Fcn: Kommunale folketellinger 1916
L0009: Domkirkens Menighed, Stine Lundsgate - Strandgate Øvre
Municipal Census 1916 - Domkirkens Menighed, Stine Lundsgate - Strandgate Øvre Censuses Municipal censuses Personalia Municiple archives


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