

Bergen city judicial district

1950 - Regular mortgage book pages with diary number
3500-3599 3520/1950 3525/1950 3529/1950 3571/1950 3576/1950 3583/1950 3587/1950 3594/1950 3597/1950
3600-3699 3639/1950 3645/1950 3664/1950 3666/1950
3700-3799 3715/1950 3721/1950 3745/1950 3763/1950 3784/1950
3800-3899 3802/1950 3809/1950 3815/1950 3836/1950 3844/1950 3897/1950
3900-3999 3917/1950 3924/1950 3930/1950 3961/1950 3980/1950 3986/1950
4000-4099 4005/1950 4035/1950 4059/1950 4066/1950 4096/1950
4100-4199 4117/1950
4200-4299 4229/1950 4234/1950 4248/1950 4252/1950 4260/1950 4267/1950 4269/1950 4280/1950 4298/1950
4300-4399 4305/1950 4312/1950 4316/1950 4335/1950 4339/1950 4361/1950 4366/1950 4372/1950
4400-4499 4400/1950 4404/1950 4407/1950 4423/1950 4428/1950 4444/1950 4448/1950 4460/1950 4464/1950 4475/1950 4480/1950
4500-4599 4511/1950 4574/1950 4580/1950 4593/1950
4600-4699 4657/1950 4694/1950
4700-4799 4757/1950 4761/1950 4766/1950 4773/1950 4779/1950
4800-4899 4848/1950 4869/1950 4875/1950 4880/1950 4894/1950
4900-4999 4961/1950 4968/1950 4991/1950
5000-5099 5009/1950 5064/1950 5069/1950 5072/1950
5100-5199 5119/1950 5123/1950 5127/1950 5133/1950 5137/1950 5147/1950 5154/1950 5158/1950 5163/1950 5167/1950 5173/1950 5177/1950 5187/1950 5195/1950
5200-5299 5215/1950 5222/1950 5235/1950 5244/1950 5252/1950 5267/1950 5272/1950
5300-5399 5316/1950 5325/1950
5400-5499 5436/1950 5440/1950 5465/1950 5470/1950 5485/1950 5490/1950
5500-5599 5508/1950 5511/1950 5517/1950 5540/1950 5568/1950 5593/1950
5600-5699 5612/1950 5616/1950 5632/1950 5640/1950 5662/1950 5674/1950 5678/1950 5685/1950 5692/1950
5800-5899 5847/1950 5856/1950 5863/1950 5873/1950 5881/1950 5887/1950
5900-5999 5901/1950 5907/1950 5909/1950 5926/1950 5937/1950 5944/1950 5951/1950 5969/1950 5976/1950
6000-6099 6029/1950 6037/1950 6048/1950 6055/1950 6087/1950 6099/1950
6100-6199 6106/1950 6153/1950 6199/1950
6200-6299 6210/1950 6213/1950 6297/1950
6300-6399 6300/1950 6309/1950 6330/1950 6339/1950 6340/1950 6374/1950 6390/1950
6400-6499 6401/1950 6409/1950 6418/1950 6427/1950 6432/1950 6439/1950 6464/1950 6467/1950 6489/1950 6494/1950
6500-6599 6502/1950 6505/1950 6513/1950 6517/1950 6526/1950 6548/1950 6556/1950 6567/1950 6571/1950 6574/1950 6590/1950
6600-6699 6604/1950 6609/1950 6617/1950 6662/1950 6671/1950 6679/1950 6698/1950
6700-6799 6706/1950 6712/1950
Source information
Statsarkivet i Bergen AV/SAB-A-3401/03
Link to Arkivportalen
SAB-A-3401: Byfogd og Byskriver i Bergen
03: Tinglysning
Mortgage book no. C 39 /15.04.1950 - 12.08.1950 Bergen county
Bergen city jud. dist.
Pantebok C. Dagboknr. 3520/1950-6788/1950. Side 1-196. Deed registration Pledge books Property State archives Judges and clerks