

Nedenes judicial district

1950 - Regular mortgage book pages with diary number
1100-1199 1102/1950 1110/1950 1116/1950 1118/1950 1126/1950 1130/1950 1131/1950 1132/1950 1135/1950 1136/1950 1142/1950 1147/1950 1151/1950 1152/1950 1153/1950 1155/1950 1174/1950 1182/1950 1186/1950 1187/1950 1189/1950 1193/1950 1194/1950 1198/1950 1199/1950
1200-1299 1201/1950 1202/1950 1203/1950 1205/1950 1209/1950 1218/1950 1219/1950 1220/1950 1222/1950 1223/1950 1227/1950 1229/1950 1230/1950 1234/1950 1235/1950 1237/1950 1240/1950 1243/1950 1249/1950 1251/1950 1253/1950 1254/1950 1256/1950 1264/1950 1268/1950 1274/1950 1276/1950 1282/1950 1286/1950 1293/1950 1298/1950
1300-1399 1307/1950 1309/1950 1310/1950 1316/1950 1319/1950 1320/1950 1321/1950 1328/1950 1332/1950 1333/1950 1334/1950 1342/1950 1343/1950 1345/1950 1347/1950 1348/1950 1349/1950 1351/1950 1354/1950 1359/1950 1361/1950 1369/1950 1370/1950 1372/1950 1373/1950 1375/1950 1376/1950 1377/1950 1381/1950 1382/1950 1384/1950 1385/1950 1390/1950 1395/1950 1396/1950 1398/1950
1400-1499 1401/1950 1413/1950 1428/1950 1429/1950 1435/1950 1436/1950 1437/1950 1442/1950 1444/1950 1445/1950 1450/1950 1451/1950 1452/1950 1453/1950 1454/1950 1458/1950 1459/1950 1460/1950 1463/1950 1464/1950 1465/1950 1466/1950 1467/1950 1468/1950 1472/1950 1474/1950 1475/1950 1481/1950 1483/1950 1485/1950 1487/1950 1488/1950 1490/1950 1493/1950
1500-1599 1500/1950 1501/1950 1502/1950 1504/1950 1506/1950 1516/1950 1520/1950 1524/1950 1530/1950 1534/1950 1537/1950 1538/1950 1539/1950 1543/1950 1546/1950 1549/1950 1550/1950 1551/1950 1554/1950 1561/1950 1563/1950 1566/1950 1578/1950 1580/1950 1597/1950 1598/1950 1599/1950
1600-1699 1601/1950 1611/1950 1613/1950 1615/1950 1616/1950 1619/1950 1620/1950 1621/1950 1624/1950 1632/1950 1633/1950 1636/1950 1638/1950 1639/1950 1647/1950 1649/1950 1650/1950 1652/1950 1654/1950 1656/1950 1658/1950 1660/1950 1668/1950 1670/1950 1671/1950 1675/1950 1681/1950 1683/1950 1684/1950 1685/1950 1690/1950 1698/1950 1699/1950
1700-1799 1700/1950 1701/1950 1702/1950 1703/1950 1706/1950 1707/1950 1716/1950 1719/1950 1721/1950 1723/1950 1728/1950 1735/1950 1736/1950 1739/1950 1746/1950 1747/1950 1749/1950 1752/1950 1754/1950 1756/1950 1760/1950 1763/1950 1775/1950 1776/1950 1777/1950 1781/1950 1786/1950 1791/1950 1793/1950 1798/1950
1800-1899 1802/1950 1806/1950 1810/1950 1816/1950 1817/1950 1819/1950 1820/1950 1826/1950 1829/1950 1832/1950 1834/1950 1835/1950 1840/1950 1844/1950 1846/1950 1847/1950 1870/1950 1871/1950 1872/1950 1876/1950 1879/1950 1881/1950 1883/1950 1884/1950 1889/1950 1891/1950 1893/1950 1894/1950 1895/1950 1896/1950 1897/1950 1899/1950
1900-1999 1900/1950 1903/1950 1905/1950 1906/1950 1908/1950 1910/1950 1913/1950 1916/1950 1918/1950 1920/1950 1927/1950 1929/1950 1930/1950 1932/1950 1933/1950 1949/1950 1953/1950 1955/1950 1956/1950 1957/1950 1959/1950
Source information
Statsarkivet i Kristiansand SAK/1221-0006/G/Gb/Gbb/L0008
Link to Arkivportalen
SAK-1221-0006: Nedenes sorenskriveri
G: Tinglysing
Gb: Pantebøker
Gbb: Pantebøker B-serie
L0008: Pantebok B, dagboknr 1102-1959
Mortgage book no. B8 /01.08.1950 - 30.12.1950 Aust-Agder county
Nedenes jud. dist.
Pantebok B. Dagboknr. 1102/1050-1959/1950. Deed registration Pledge books Property State archives Judges and clerks