
Møre og Romsdal

Nordmøre judicial district

1947 - Regular mortgage book pages with diary number
2100-2199 2128/1947 2131/1947 2136/1947 2137/1947 2145/1947 2149/1947 2150/1947 2151/1947 2152/1947 2153/1947 2154/1947 2155/1947 2156/1947 2157/1947 2158/1947 2159/1947 2160/1947 2165/1947 2175/1947 2177/1947 2181/1947 2182/1947 2185/1947 2188/1947 2191/1947 2192/1947 2194/1947 2195/1947 2197/1947 2199/1947
2200-2299 2200/1947 2201/1947 2208/1947 2214/1947 2217/1947 2233/1947 2239/1947 2245/1947 2248/1947 2250/1947 2251/1947 2252/1947 2253/1947 2256/1947 2277/1947 2281/1947 2285/1947 2286/1947 2288/1947 2289/1947 2299/1947
2300-2399 2300/1947 2302/1947 2305/1947 2306/1947 2307/1947 2308/1947 2309/1947 2312/1947 2322/1947 2323/1947 2330/1947 2331/1947 2332/1947 2333/1947 2335/1947 2340/1947 2341/1947 2348/1947 2354/1947 2358/1947 2360/1947 2361/1947 2362/1947 2363/1947 2364/1947 2366/1947 2367/1947 2370/1947 2381/1947 2383/1947 2390/1947 2397/1947 2398/1947 2399/1947
2400-2499 2400/1947 2401/1947 2402/1947 2408/1947 2409/1947 2411/1947 2412/1947 2413/1947 2414/1947 2415/1947 2416/1947 2417/1947 2423/1947 2427/1947 2428/1947 2430/1947 2439/1947 2440/1947 2441/1947 2442/1947 2444/1947 2448/1947 2449/1947 2450/1947 2456/1947 2471/1947 2472/1947 2481/1947 2482/1947 2483/1947 2484/1947 2490/1947
2500-2599 2500/1947 2504/1947 2507/1947 2510/1947 2516/1947 2523/1947 2525/1947 2529/1947 2530/1947 2531/1947 2532/1947 2535/1947 2536/1947 2537/1947 2543/1947 2553/1947 2554/1947 2555/1947 2560/1947 2568/1947 2569/1947 2571/1947 2572/1947 2573/1947 2575/1947 2577/1947 2579/1947 2588/1947 2589/1947 2591/1947 2593/1947 2594/1947 2595/1947 2599/1947
2600-2699 2600/1947 2608/1947 2610/1947 2612/1947 2614/1947 2623/1947 2632/1947 2640/1947 2641/1947 2656/1947 2657/1947 2658/1947 2662/1947 2663/1947 2664/1947 2675/1947 2676/1947 2683/1947 2686/1947 2687/1947 2692/1947 2693/1947 2694/1947 2695/1947 2696/1947 2699/1947
2700-2799 2700/1947 2702/1947 2704/1947 2707/1947 2708/1947 2711/1947 2712/1947 2713/1947 2714/1947 2715/1947 2716/1947 2717/1947 2718/1947 2719/1947 2722/1947 2723/1947 2726/1947 2727/1947 2729/1947 2730/1947 2733/1947 2734/1947 2735/1947 2743/1947 2748/1947 2749/1947 2754/1947 2755/1947 2758/1947 2765/1947 2777/1947 2778/1947 2779/1947 2780/1947 2781/1947 2782/1947 2783/1947 2784/1947 2785/1947 2786/1947 2787/1947 2788/1947 2789/1947 2790/1947 2791/1947 2792/1947 2793/1947 2794/1947 2795/1947 2796/1947 2797/1947 2798/1947
2800-2899 2800/1947 2801/1947 2805/1947 2806/1947 2807/1947 2808/1947 2812/1947 2814/1947 2828/1947 2829/1947 2831/1947 2832/1947 2842/1947 2846/1947 2848/1947 2854/1947 2855/1947 2856/1947 2857/1947 2858/1947 2859/1947 2860/1947 2861/1947 2862/1947 2863/1947 2864/1947 2865/1947 2866/1947 2873/1947 2875/1947 2881/1947 2882/1947 2891/1947 2892/1947 2893/1947 2894/1947 2899/1947
2900-2999 2904/1947 2909/1947 2910/1947 2918/1947 2919/1947 2920/1947 2923/1947 2927/1947 2930/1947 2932/1947 2933/1947 2940/1947 2942/1947 2949/1947 2950/1947 2951/1947 2952/1947 2953/1947 2954/1947 2956/1947 2963/1947 2971/1947 2984/1947 2987/1947 2989/1947 2992/1947 2993/1947 2994/1947
3000-3099 3001/1947 3002/1947 3008/1947 3013/1947 3014/1947 3015/1947 3017/1947 3023/1947 3026/1947 3027/1947 3028/1947 3031/1947 3032/1947 3036/1947 3037/1947 3040/1947 3045/1947 3047/1947 3051/1947 3053/1947 3055/1947 3060/1947 3066/1947 3072/1947 3074/1947 3076/1947 3077/1947 3082/1947 3085/1947 3090/1947 3091/1947 3097/1947 3098/1947 3099/1947
3100-3199 3107/1947 3108/1947 3111/1947 3113/1947 3117/1947 3118/1947 3120/1947
1948 - Regular mortgage book pages with diary number
0-99 4/1948 5/1948 10/1948 11/1948 17/1948 20/1948 24/1948 25/1948 33/1948 34/1948 40/1948 42/1948 44/1948 51/1948 52/1948 53/1948 54/1948 56/1948 57/1948 60/1948 65/1948 69/1948 70/1948 80/1948 81/1948 82/1948 87/1948 91/1948 92/1948 93/1948 94/1948 95/1948
100-199 105/1948 108/1948 113/1948 114/1948 115/1948 117/1948 118/1948 120/1948 121/1948 136/1948 140/1948 141/1948 142/1948 145/1948 147/1948 150/1948 151/1948 152/1948 155/1948 158/1948 160/1948 161/1948 162/1948 163/1948 175/1948 177/1948 178/1948 180/1948 187/1948 188/1948 190/1948 191/1948 196/1948 199/1948
200-299 202/1948 205/1948 208/1948 224/1948 233/1948 236/1948 239/1948 242/1948 245/1948 246/1948 247/1948 251/1948 255/1948 263/1948 265/1948
Source information
Statsarkivet i Trondheim AV/SAT-A-4132/1/2/2Ca
Link to Arkivportalen
SAT-A-4132: Nordmøre sorenskriveri
1: Hovedavlevering
2Ca: Pantebøker
Mortgage book no. B97 /18.09.1947 - 31.01.1948 Møre og Romsdal county
Nordmøre jud. dist.
Pantebok B. Dagboknr. 2128/1947-265/1948 Deed registration Pledge books Property State archives Judges and clerks