
Møre og Romsdal

Nordmøre judicial district

1949 - Regular mortgage book pages with diary number
3100-3199 3183/1949 3184/1949 3187/1949 3188/1949 3189/1949 3197/1949
3200-3299 3200/1949 3201/1949 3202/1949 3204/1949 3205/1949 3206/1949 3209/1949 3218/1949 3220/1949 3227/1949 3228/1949 3229/1949 3230/1949 3231/1949 3234/1949 3235/1949 3238/1949 3241/1949 3242/1949 3244/1949 3245/1949 3246/1949 3247/1949 3248/1949 3259/1949 3264/1949 3267/1949 3268/1949 3273/1949 3275/1949 3276/1949 3277/1949 3278/1949 3279/1949 3280/1949 3281/1949 3282/1949 3283/1949 3284/1949 3285/1949 3287/1949 3293/1949 3295/1949 3298/1949
3300-3399 3300/1949 3301/1949 3302/1949 3304/1949 3305/1949 3306/1949 3307/1949 3308/1949 3309/1949 3311/1949 3312/1949 3315/1949 3322/1949 3323/1949 3342/1949 3343/1949 3351/1949 3352/1949 3356/1949 3357/1949 3363/1949 3364/1949 3366/1949 3367/1949 3368/1949 3369/1949 3371/1949 3372/1949 3385/1949 3388/1949 3394/1949 3397/1949 3398/1949 3399/1949
3400-3499 3400/1949 3401/1949 3402/1949 3404/1949 3405/1949 3407/1949 3408/1949 3410/1949 3411/1949 3412/1949 3413/1949 3415/1949 3416/1949 3418/1949 3419/1949 3421/1949 3422/1949 3424/1949 3426/1949 3433/1949 3434/1949 3435/1949 3442/1949 3444/1949 3453/1949 3454/1949 3455/1949 3458/1949 3460/1949 3461/1949 3467/1949 3468/1949 3469/1949 3471/1949 3472/1949 3474/1949 3477/1949 3482/1949 3484/1949 3487/1949 3488/1949 3489/1949 3492/1949 3493/1949 3494/1949 3495/1949 3496/1949 3497/1949 3498/1949
3500-3599 3504/1949 3505/1949 3509/1949 3510/1949 3525/1949 3526/1949 3527/1949 3528/1949 3529/1949 3530/1949 3531/1949 3537/1949 3540/1949 3559/1949 3560/1949 3561/1949 3575/1949 3576/1949 3577/1949 3584/1949 3585/1949 3588/1949 3598/1949
3600-3699 3604/1949 3606/1949 3609/1949 3610/1949 3611/1949 3612/1949 3613/1949 3614/1949 3615/1949 3616/1949 3617/1949 3618/1949 3619/1949 3620/1949 3627/1949 3629/1949 3631/1949 3648/1949 3651/1949 3656/1949 3657/1949 3658/1949 3660/1949 3674/1949 3675/1949 3677/1949 3678/1949 3679/1949 3680/1949 3681/1949 3682/1949 3683/1949 3692/1949 3693/1949 3694/1949 3696/1949 3698/1949
3700-3799 3706/1949 3707/1949 3708/1949 3710/1949 3712/1949 3713/1949 3714/1949 3719/1949 3720/1949 3727/1949 3730/1949 3731/1949 3735/1949 3746/1949 3749/1949 3753/1949 3754/1949 3755/1949 3756/1949 3771/1949 3772/1949 3773/1949 3774/1949 3781/1949 3782/1949 3785/1949
1950 - Regular mortgage book pages with diary number
0-99 3/1950 4/1950 17/1950 18/1950 20/1950 21/1950 24/1950 25/1950 26/1950 27/1950 28/1950 29/1950 30/1950 32/1950 34/1950 37/1950 57/1950 59/1950 60/1950 61/1950 62/1950 64/1950 66/1950 67/1950 70/1950 71/1950 85/1950 93/1950 94/1950 98/1950 99/1950
100-199 101/1950 103/1950 104/1950 105/1950 113/1950 116/1950 117/1950 118/1950 119/1950 120/1950 121/1950 122/1950 132/1950 137/1950 144/1950 145/1950 148/1950 149/1950 150/1950 151/1950 185/1950 186/1950 187/1950 188/1950 197/1950 198/1950 199/1950
200-299 201/1950 206/1950 209/1950 213/1950 214/1950 217/1950 218/1950 219/1950 244/1950 245/1950 249/1950 251/1950 254/1950 261/1950 266/1950 267/1950 271/1950 273/1950 275/1950 279/1950 282/1950 286/1950 288/1950 289/1950 290/1950 291/1950 296/1950 297/1950 299/1950
300-399 304/1950
Source information
Statsarkivet i Trondheim AV/SAT-A-4132/1/2/2Ca
Link to Arkivportalen
SAT-A-4132: Nordmøre sorenskriveri
1: Hovedavlevering
2Ca: Pantebøker
Mortgage book no. A113 /16.11.1949 - 30.01.1950 Møre og Romsdal county
Nordmøre jud. dist.
Pantebok A. Dagboknr. 3183/1949-304/1950 Deed registration Pledge books Property State archives Judges and clerks