
Møre og Romsdal

Nordmøre judicial district

1938 - Regular mortgage book pages with diary number
2700-2799 2734/1938 2736/1938 2739/1938 2740/1938 2751/1938 2754/1938 2755/1938 2760/1938 2761/1938 2764/1938 2766/1938 2767/1938 2769/1938 2773/1938 2775/1938 2780/1938 2789/1938 2790/1938 2792/1938
2800-2899 2801/1938 2803/1938 2811/1938 2812/1938 2814/1938 2815/1938 2816/1938 2819/1938 2825/1938 2827/1938 2828/1938 2830/1938 2831/1938 2834/1938 2835/1938 2836/1938 2837/1938 2838/1938 2839/1938 2840/1938 2841/1938 2842/1938 2843/1938 2844/1938 2857/1938 2858/1938 2860/1938 2861/1938 2865/1938 2866/1938 2868/1938 2870/1938 2871/1938 2873/1938 2874/1938 2876/1938 2881/1938 2898/1938
2900-2999 2906/1938 2911/1938 2922/1938 2923/1938 2926/1938 2937/1938 2944/1938 2946/1938 2948/1938 2950/1938 2953/1938 2954/1938 2955/1938 2956/1938 2957/1938 2958/1938 2960/1938 2961/1938 2971/1938 2975/1938 2978/1938 2986/1938 2988/1938 2989/1938 2993/1938
3000-3099 3004/1938 3006/1938 3011/1938 3015/1938 3017/1938 3018/1938 3021/1938 3022/1938 3023/1938 3024/1938 3030/1938 3031/1938 3039/1938 3040/1938 3043/1938 3044/1938 3049/1938 3052/1938 3056/1938 3058/1938 3059/1938
1939 - Regular mortgage book pages with diary number
0-99 11/1939 13/1939 14/1939 20/1939 25/1939 26/1939 27/1939 32/1939 42/1939 43/1939 44/1939 50/1939 58/1939 67/1939 68/1939 82/1939 85/1939 86/1939 88/1939 89/1939 91/1939 92/1939 94/1939 95/1939 98/1939
100-199 103/1939 107/1939 108/1939 110/1939 111/1939 123/1939 125/1939 126/1939 127/1939 129/1939 131/1939 133/1939 135/1939 137/1939 139/1939 141/1939 144/1939 146/1939 150/1939 153/1939 154/1939 156/1939 162/1939 179/1939 181/1939 187/1939 191/1939 192/1939 197/1939
200-299 201/1939 202/1939 207/1939 208/1939 209/1939 211/1939 214/1939 215/1939 216/1939 223/1939 224/1939 226/1939 227/1939 229/1939 230/1939 240/1939 242/1939 245/1939 247/1939 248/1939 256/1939 257/1939 258/1939 259/1939 265/1939 267/1939 271/1939 276/1939 277/1939 282/1939 283/1939 287/1939 291/1939 292/1939 298/1939 299/1939
300-399 302/1939 304/1939 306/1939 309/1939 311/1939 314/1939 318/1939 320/1939 325/1939 326/1939 328/1939 331/1939 332/1939 334/1939 335/1939 337/1939 338/1939 340/1939 341/1939 345/1939 351/1939 359/1939 361/1939 362/1939 364/1939 366/1939 378/1939 389/1939 390/1939 393/1939
400-499 403/1939 408/1939 411/1939 412/1939 413/1939 414/1939 416/1939 417/1939 425/1939 426/1939 427/1939 428/1939 437/1939 440/1939 441/1939 442/1939 444/1939 445/1939 447/1939 452/1939 453/1939 454/1939 456/1939 466/1939 467/1939 470/1939 471/1939 472/1939 473/1939 474/1939 475/1939 476/1939 477/1939 478/1939 479/1939 480/1939 481/1939 482/1939 483/1939 487/1939
500-599 507/1939 508/1939 527/1939 533/1939 534/1939 541/1939 544/1939 545/1939 546/1939 562/1939 571/1939 572/1939 578/1939 579/1939 580/1939 581/1939 588/1939 589/1939 590/1939 591/1939 592/1939
600-699 606/1939 607/1939 608/1939 609/1939 612/1939 613/1939 615/1939 616/1939 621/1939 635/1939 640/1939 646/1939 647/1939 650/1939 651/1939 653/1939 654/1939 656/1939 658/1939 660/1939 664/1939 671/1939 681/1939 682/1939 684/1939 685/1939 692/1939 696/1939
700-799 702/1939 703/1939 704/1939 706/1939 714/1939 716/1939 726/1939 727/1939 728/1939 729/1939 732/1939
Source information
Statsarkivet i Trondheim AV/SAT-A-4132/1/2/2Ca
Link to Arkivportalen
SAT-A-4132: Nordmøre sorenskriveri
1: Hovedavlevering
2Ca: Pantebøker
Mortgage book no. A85 /23.11.1938 - 22.03.1939 Møre og Romsdal county
Nordmøre jud. dist.
Pantebok A. Dagboknr. 2734/1938-732/1939 Deed registration Pledge books Property State archives Judges and clerks