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Skifteforhandlinger 1870 1a
Skifteforhandlinger 1871 7b-8a
Skifteforhandlinger 1872 32b-33a
Skifteforhandlinger 1873 56b-57a
Skifteforhandlinger 1874 75b-76a
Skifteforhandlinger 1875 100b-101a
Skifteforhandlinger 1876 113b-114a
Skifteforhandlinger 1877 128b-129a
Skifteforhandlinger 1878 139b-140a
Skifteforhandlinger 1879 155b-156a
Skifteforhandlinger 1880 172b-173a
Skifteforhandlinger 1881 198b-199a
Skifteforhandlinger 1882 222b-223a
Skifteforhandlinger 1883 254b-255a
Skifteforhandlinger 1884 280b-281a
Skifteforhandlinger 1885 299b-300a
Autorisasjon 306b
Source information
Statsarkivet i Trondheim AV/SAT-A-4169/1/3/3B/L0006
Link to Arkivportalen
SAT-A-4169: Orkdal sorenskriveri
1: Hoveddel
3: Skifte
3B: Skiftebehandlingsprotokoller
L0006: Skiftebehandlingsprotokoll
Probate proceedings records no. 6 /03.03.1870 - 16.06.1885 Sør-Trøndelag county
Orkdal jud. dist.
- Probate and inheritence Probate journals and documents Personalia State archives Judges and clerks