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Table of contents

Skifteforhandlinger 1911 1
Skifteforhandlinger 1912 8
Skifteforhandlinger 1913 23
Skifteforhandlinger 1914 31
Skifteforhandlinger 1915 43
Skifteforhandlinger 1916 56
Skifteforhandlinger 1917 94
Skifteforhandlinger 1918 111
Skifteforhandlinger 1919 148
Skifteforhandlinger 1920 165
Skifteforhandlinger 1921 188
Skifteforhandlinger 1922 217
Etternavnsregister 247
Source information
Statsarkivet i Hamar SAH/TING-004/J/Ja/Jad/L0003
Link to Arkivportalen
TING-004: Sør-Gudbrandsdal tingrett
Ja: Skifteprotokoller
Jad: Skifteforhandlingsprotokoller - landet
L0003: Skifteforhandlingsprotokoll - landet
Probate proceedings records no. 3 /29.09.1911 - 05.09.1922 Oppland county
Sør-Gudbrandsdal jud. dist.
OBS: Pr. 7.8.2023 mangler s. 40 i skanninga. Probate and inheritence Probate journals and documents Personalia State archives Judges and clerks