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Statsarkivet i Bergen

SAB/A-33001: Lensmannen i Hosanger

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 2 1933 - 1941 First page Content
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Death register no. 3 1942 - 1953 First page Content
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SAB/A-33101: Lensmannen i Jondal

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 8 1888 - 1947 First page Content
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Death register no. 9 1947 - 1971 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 10 1972 - 1973 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 11 1973 - 1980 First page Register Content
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SAB/A-33201: Lensmannen i Kvam

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1896 - 1914 First page Content
Death register no. 2 1914 - 1928 First page Content
Death register no. 9 Kvam lensmannsdistrikt , Strandebarm lensmannsdistrikt 1962 - 1972 Omfatter Strandebarm lensmannsdistrikt 1/7-1962 - 17/2-1967 og (nye) Kvam lensmannsdistrikt 10/4-1969 - 30/6-1972. First page Register Content
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Death register no. 10 Kvam lensmannsdistrikt 1972 First page Content
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SAB/A-33301: Lensmannen i Kvinnherad

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1864 - 1890 First page Content
Death register no. 2 1890 - 1892 First page Content
Death register no. 3 1892 - 1927 First page Content

SAB/A-33401: Lensmannen i Laksevåg

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1933 - 1939 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 2 1939 - 1944 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 3 1944 - 1950 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 4 1950 - 1957 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 5 1957 - 1963 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 6 1963 - 1966 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 7 1966 - 1969 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 8 1969 - 1972 First page Register Content
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SAB/A-33501: Lensmannen i Lindås

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1871 - 1897 First page Content
Death register no. 2 1897 - 1914 First page Content

SAB/A-33701: Lensmannen i Manger

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1868 - 1877 First page Content
Death register no. 2 1877 - 1882 First page Content
Death register no. 3 1882 - 1887 First page Content
Death register no. 4 1887 - 1901 First page Content
Death register no. 5 1901 - 1911 First page Content
Death register no. 6 1911 - 1925 First page Content
Death register no. 7 1925 - 1936 First page Content
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Death register no. 8 1936 - 1948 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 9 1910 - 1911 Hjelme sokn First page Content
Death register no. 9a 1912 - 1963 Hjelme sokn First page Register Content
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SAB/A-33801: Lensmannen i Masfjorden

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 6a 1881 - 1900 First page Content
Death register no. 6b 1901 - 1918 First page Content
Death register no. 6c 1918 - 1935 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 7 1935 - 1950 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 8 1950 - 1964 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 9 1964 - 1972 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 10 1973 - 2008 First page Content
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SAB/A-34001: Lensmannen i Odda

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 7 1913 - 1926 First page Register Content
Death register no. 8 1926 - 1941 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 9 1941 - 1952 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 10 1952 - 1960 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 11 1960 - 1965 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 12 1965 - 1968 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 13 1968 - 1971 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 14 1971 - 1972 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 15 1973 - 1982 Døde utenfor bopelsdistriktet. First page Content
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AV/SAB-A-3401: Byfogd og Byskriver i Bergen

06: Bergen skifterett
06Na: Dødsfall - Dødsfalljournaler/lister
Death register no. 1 Bergen byfogd 1821 - 1847 First page Content