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RA/RAFA-1772: Forsvaret, Generalauditøren

F: Arkivet
Fj: Skiftevesen og auksjonsvesen (X)
Fja: a Skifter og auksjoner etter offiserer og deres enker (1720 - o.1820)
Military probate records no. X a 33 1744 - 1823 Nr. 33: Selmer-Stang First page Content
Military probate records no. X a 34 1753 - 1817 Nr. 34: Stibolt-Sønneck First page Content
Military probate records no. X a 35 1781 - 1819 Nr. 35: Tandberg-Thome First page Content
Military probate records no. X a 36 1731 - 1822 Nr. 36: Thrane-Tønsted First page Content
Military probate records no. X a 37 1737 - 1820 Nr. 37: Ulrichsdal-Warthenberg First page Content
Military probate records no. X a 38 1744 - 1821 Nr. 38: Wegener-Zincke First page Content
F: Arkivet
Fj: Skiftevesen og auksjonsvesen (X)
Fjb: b. Skifter efter underofficerer og menige (1723 - 1726 og 1818 - 1823)
Military probate records no. X b 1 1725 - 1726 Skifter etter underoffiserer og menige, nr. 1-29. NB: Se merknad. First page Content
Military probate records no. X b 2 1726 - 1727 Skifter etter underoffiserer og menige, nr. 30-33, 35-50 og 52-59. NB: Se merknad. First page Content
Military probate records no. X b 3 1727 - 1728 Skifter etter underoffiserer og menige, nr. 60-69, 130-149 og 151-159. NB: Se merknad. First page Content
Military probate records no. X b 4 1723 - 1724 Skifter etter underoffiserer og menige, nr. 160-194. NB: Se merknad. First page Content
Military probate records no. X b 5 1818 - 1823 Skifter etter underoffiserer og menige. Innberetninger om antallet foretatte skifter. Kopiekstrakter av 1. og 2. bergenhusiske regiments skifteprotokoll for 1794. First page Content
F: Arkivet
Fj: Skiftevesen og auksjonsvesen (X)
Fjc: c. Skifteprotokoller og kopoibøker
Military probate records no. X c 1 1730 - 1753 Ekspederte bosaker i statsoffiserers og statsbetjenters bo, etc. First page
Military probate records no. X c 2 1768 - 08.11.1804 Kopibok First page
Military probate records no. X c 3 19.01.1805 - 25.07.1825 Kopibok First page
Military probate records no. X c 4 25.07.1825 - 23.06.1840 Kopibok First page
Military probate records no. X c 5 1703 - 1736 Skifteprotokoll for 1. sønnafjelske dragonregiment. First page Content
Military probate records no. X c 6 1735 - 1763 Skifteprotokoll for 1. sønnafjelske dragonregiment. First page Content
Military probate records no. X c 7 1762 - 1789 Skifteprotokoll for 1. sønnafjelske dragonregiment. First page Content
Military probate records no. X c 8 1801 - 1812 Skifteprotokoll for akershusiske dragonregiment. First page Content
Military probate records no. X c 9 1789 - 1807 Skifteprotokoll for sønnafjelske infanteriregiments nasjonale bataljoner. First page Content
Military probate records no. X c 10 1793 - 1810 Auksjonsprotokoll for vesterlenske regiment og Kristiansands garnison. First page Register Content
Military probate records no. X c 11 31.10.1821 - 14.02.1825 Skifteprotokoll for kavaleribrigaden. First page Content

Statsarkivet i Bergen

SAB/-: Bergen domprosti*

Probate records no. 1 Bergen stiftsprosti prosti 1680 - 1720 First page Register Content

SAB/-: Sunnhordland prosti*

Probate records no. 1 Sunnhordland prosti 1690 - 1729 First page Register Content
Probate records no. 2 Sunnhordland prosti 1722 - 1745 First page Register Content
Probate records no. 3 Sunnhordland prosti 1745 - 1788 First page Register Content
Probate records no. 4 Sunnhordland prosti 1786 - 1877 First page Content

SAB/-: Hardanger og Voss prosti*

Probate records no. 1 Hardanger og Voss prosti 1713 - 1801 First page Register Content
Probate records no. 2 Hardanger og Voss prosti 1802 - 1806 First page Register Content

SAB/-: Nordfjord prosti*

Probate records no. 1 Nordfjord prosti 1748 - 1811 First page Content
Probate records no. 2 Nordfjord prosti 1784 - 1809 First page Register Content

SAB/-: Sogn prosti*

Probate records no. 1 Sogn prosti 1766 - 1785 First page Register Content
Probate records no. 2 Sogn prosti 1783 - 1810 First page Register Content

SAB/-: Sunnfjord prosti*

Probate records no. 1 Sunnfjord prosti 1794 - 1846 First page Register Content

SAB/A-100153: Lensmannen i Osterøy

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1967 - 1971 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 2 1971 - 1972 First page Content
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SAB/A-100154: Lensmannen i Ølen

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1965 - 1972 First page Content
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SAB/A-100155: Lensmannen i Øygarden

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1964 - 1974 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 2 1973 - 1989 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 3 1990 - 1999 First page
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Death register no. 4 2000 - 2004 First page
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Death register no. 5 2003 - 2004 First page
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Death register no. 6 1967 - 2007 First page
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Probate registration records no. 7 1946 - 1974 First page Content
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SAB/A-100156: Lensmannen i Åsane

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1961 - 1964 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 2 1965 - 1972 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 3 1972 First page Register Content
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SAB/A-100157: Lensmannen i Stryn og Hornindal

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1973 - 1985 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 2 1986 - 1996 First page Register Content
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AV/SAB-A-2401: Sunnhordland sorenskrivar

1: Sunnhordland sorenskrivar - Del 1
H: Skifte (IV)
Ha: Skifteprotokollar
Haa: Skifteprotokoller - Sorenskriveriet
Probate records no. Aa 5 Sunnhordland sorenskr. 1731 - 1745 First page Content