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AV/RA-RAFA-1772: Forsvaret, Generalauditøren

F: Arkivet
Fj: Skiftevesen og auksjonsvesen (X)
Fjc: c. Skifteprotokoller og kopoibøker
Military probate records no. X c 7 1762 - 1789 Skifteprotokoll for 1. sønnafjelske dragonregiment. First page Content
Military probate records no. X c 8 1801 - 1812 Skifteprotokoll for akershusiske dragonregiment. First page Content
Military probate records no. X c 9 1789 - 1807 Skifteprotokoll for sønnafjelske infanteriregiments nasjonale bataljoner. First page Content
Military probate records no. X c 10 1793 - 1810 Auksjonsprotokoll for vesterlenske regiment og Kristiansands garnison. First page Register Content
Military probate records no. X c 11 31.10.1821 - 14.02.1825 Skifteprotokoll for kavaleribrigaden. First page Content

Statsarkivet i Bergen

AV/SAB-A-100153: Lensmannen i Osterøy

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1967 - 1971 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 2 1971 - 1972 First page Content
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AV/SAB-A-100154: Lensmannen i Ølen

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1965 - 1972 First page Content
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AV/SAB-A-100155: Lensmannen i Øygarden

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1964 - 1974 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 2 1973 - 1989 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 3 1990 - 1999 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 4 2000 - 2002 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 5 2003 - 2004 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 6.1 2005 - 2007 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 6.2 1967 - 1969 Dødsformodningsdommer First page Content
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Probate registration records no. 7 1946 - 1974 First page Content
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AV/SAB-A-100156: Lensmannen i Åsane

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1961 - 1964 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 2 1965 - 1972 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 3 1972 First page Register Content
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AV/SAB-A-100157: Lensmannen i Stryn og Hornindal

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 1973 - 1985 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 2 1986 - 1996 First page Register Content
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AV/SAB-A-100158: Lensmannen i Fjell og Sund

0006: Skifte
Death register no. 1 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt , Sund og Austevoll lensmannsdistrikt 1961 - 1968 Sund kommune First page Register Content
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Death register no. 2 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 1969 - 1972 Sund kommune First page Register Content
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Death register no. 3 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 1965 - 1972 Fjell kommune First page Register Content
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Death register no. 4 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 1973 - 1977 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 5 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 1978 - 1982 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 6 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 1983 - 1989 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 7 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 1990 - 1992 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 8 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 1993 - 1995 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 9 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 1996 - 1999 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 10 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 2000 - 2001 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 11 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 2002 - 2003 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 12 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 2004 - 2005 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 13 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 2006 - 2007 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 14 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 2008 - 2009 First page Register Content
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Death register no. 15 Fjell og Sund lensmannsdistrikt 1974 - 2010 Dødsfallprotokoll (2010), samt anmeldte unaturlige dødsfall og/eller dødsfall utenfor bopelsdistriktet (1974-2004). First page Register Content
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AV/SAB-A-2101: Hardanger sorenskriver

H: Skifte (IV)
Hb: Skifteutlodningsprotokollar
Probate division records no. 1 Hardanger sorenskr. 1918 - 1928 First page Register Content
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Probate division records no. 2 Hardanger sorenskr. 1928 - 1938 First page Register Content
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Probate division records no. 3 Hardanger sorenskr. 1938 - 1945 First page Register Content
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Probate division records no. 4 Hardanger sorenskr. 1945 - 1953 First page Register Content
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Probate division records no. 5 Hardanger sorenskr. 1953 - 1971 First page Register Content
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Probate division records no. 6 Hardanger sorenskr. 07.09.1971 - 31.01.1978 First page Register Content
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Probate division records no. 7 Hardanger sorenskr. 01.01.1978 - 27.11.1984 First page Register Content
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AV/SAB-A-2401: Sunnhordland sorenskrivar

1: Sunnhordland sorenskrivar - Del 1
H: Skifte (IV)
Ha: Skifteprotokollar
Haa: Skifteprotokoller - Sorenskriveriet
Probate records no. Aa 5 Sunnhordland sorenskr. 1731 - 1745 First page Content
Probate records no. Aa 1a Sunnhordland sorenskr. 28.11.1668 - 28.11.1669 First page Register Content
Probate records no. Aa 1b Sunnhordland sorenskr. 1669 - 11.04.1673 First page Content
Probate records no. Aa 2a Sunnhordland sorenskr. 1693 - 1695 First page Content
Probate records no. Aa 2b Sunnhordland sorenskr. 1695 - 1699 First page Register Content
Probate records no. Aa 3a Sunnhordland sorenskr. 17.04.1708 - 17.04.1712 First page Content
Probate records no. Aa 3b Sunnhordland sorenskr. 1712 - 17.07.1717 First page Register Content