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Death register no. 1 | 01.01.1913 - 08.02.1933 | First page | Register | Content |
Death register no. 2 | 11.02.1933 - 10.03.1941 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 3 | 06.03.1941 - 27.06.1953 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 4 | 30.06.1953 - 30.12.1963 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 5 | 01.01.1964 - 27.01.1973 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 6 | 01.01.1973 - 31.12.1985 | Mosvik | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 7 | 01.01.1973 - 31.12.1985 | Leksvik | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 1 | Alstahaug lensmannsdistrikt | 1889 - 1907 | First page | Content |
Death register no. 2 | Alstahaug lensmannsdistrikt , Stamnes lensmannsdistrikt | 1907 - 1924 | First page | Register | Content |
Death register no. 3 | Alstahaug lensmannsdistrikt | 1911 - 1944 | First page | Content |
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Death register no. 4 | Stamnes lensmannsdistrikt | 1924 - 1943 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 6 | Alstahaug og Leirfjord lensmannsdistrikt | 1973 - 1977 | First page | Content |
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Death register no. 7 | Alstahaug og Leirfjord lensmannsdistrikt | 1978 - 1981 | First page | Content |
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Death register no. 8 | Alstahaug og Leirfjord lensmannsdistrikt | 1982 - 1985 | First page | Content |
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Death register no. 9 | Alstahaug og Leirfjord lensmannsdistrikt | 1986 - 1987 | First page | Content |
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Death register no. 10 | Alstahaug og Leirfjord lensmannsdistrikt | 1988 - 1989 | First page | Content |
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Death register no. 11 | Alstahaug og Leirfjord lensmannsdistrikt | 1990 | First page | Content |
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Death register no. 12 | Alstahaug og Leirfjord lensmannsdistrikt | 1991 | First page | Content |
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Death register no. 13 | Alstahaug og Leirfjord lensmannsdistrikt | 1992 | First page | Content |
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Death register no. 14 | Alstahaug og Leirfjord lensmannsdistrikt | 1973 - 1983 | Dødsfall utenfor bopelsdistriktet | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 15 | Alstahaug og Leirfjord lensmannsdistrikt | 1984 - 1991 | Dødsfall utenfor bopelsdistriktet | First page | Register | Content |
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Other probate records no. 3 | 1915 - 1924 | First page | Content |
Death register no. 1 | 1898 - 1917 | First page | Register | Content |
Death register no. 2 | 1917 - 1932 | First page | Register | Content |
Death register no. 3 | 1933 - 1948 | First page | Content |
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Death register no. 4 | 1948 - 1958 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 5 | 1958 - 1969 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 6 | 1969 - 1972 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 1 | 1933 - 1946 | Bodin | First page | Content |
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Death register no. 2 | 1946 - 1949 | Bodin | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 3 | 1949 - 1955 | Bodin | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 4 | 1955 - 1962 | Bodin | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 5 | 1963 - 1967 | Bodin | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 6 | 1967 - 1969 | Bodin | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 7 | 1934 - 1941 | Bodø | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 8 | 1942 - 1946 | Bodø | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 9 | 1946 - 1951 | Bodø | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 10 | 1951 - 1955 | Bodø | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 11 | 1955 - 1960 | Bodø | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 12 | 1960 - 1964 | Bodø | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 13 | 1964 - 1968 | Bodø | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 14 | 1969 - 1971 | Bodø med Bodin | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 1 | 1973 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 2 | 1974 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 3 | 1975 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 4 | 1976 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 5 | 1977 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 6 | 1978 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 7 | 1979 | First page | Register | Content |
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Death register no. 8 | 1980 | First page | Register | Content |
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