Your search returned 10631 results. Showing the first 10000 results. Adjust search criteria to reduce the number of results.
Probate records no. Ab 2 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr.; Lysekloster gods' tinglag | 1838 - 1846 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ab 3 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr.; Lysekloster gods' tinglag | 1846 - 1852 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 1 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1695 - 1707 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 2 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1711 - 1718 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 3 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1718 - 1721 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 4a | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1720 - 1723 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 4b | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1723 - 1727 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 5a | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1735 - 1739 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 5b | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1739 - 1747 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 6 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1748 - 1757 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 7a | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1757 - 1769 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 7b | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1769 - 1779 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 8a | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1779 - 1788 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. Ac 8b | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1788 - 1800 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ad 1 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr.; Hardanger distrikt | 1800 - 1822 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ad 2a | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr.; Hardanger distrikt | 1823 - 1830 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ad 2b | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr.; Hardanger distrikt | 1830 - 1840 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. Ad 3 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr.; Hardanger distrikt | 1840 - 1854 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ad 4 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr.; Hardanger distrikt | 1854 - 1872 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ae 1 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr.; Voss distrikt | 1801 - 1819 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ae 2 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr.; Voss distrikt | 1820 - 1840 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ae 3 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr.; Voss distrikt | 1840 - 1856 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. Ae 4 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr.; Voss distrikt | 1856 - 1881 | First page | Content |
Probate division records no. C 1 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1881 - 1886 | First page | Content |
Probate division records no. C 2 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1886 - 1894 | First page | Content |
Probate division records no. C 3 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1894 - 1908 | First page | Content |
Probate division records no. C 4 | Hardanger og Voss sorenskr. | 1908 - 1919 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 1a | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1698 - 1700 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 1b | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1700 - 1701 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. A 2a | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1702 - 1707 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 2b | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1707 - 1719 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 3a | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1720 - 1728 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 3b | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1728 - 1733 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 4 | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1731 - 1738 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 5 | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1738 - 1739 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 6a | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1740 - 1743 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 6b | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1743 - 1750 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 7a | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1750 - 1756 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 7b | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1756 - 1763 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 8a | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1763 - 1766 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 8b | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1766 - 1772 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 9 | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1772 - 1782 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. A 10a | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1783 - 1786 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 10b | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1786 - 1790 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. A 11a | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1782 - 1791 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 11b | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1791 - 1799 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 12 | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1800 - 1805 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. A 13 | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1806 - 1809 | First page | Content |
Probate records no. A 14 | Ytre Sogn sorenskr. | 1809 - 1813 | First page | Register | Content |
Probate records no. A 15 | Ytre Sogn sorenskr.; Kvamsøy skipr., Systrond skipr., Tjugum skipr. | 1809 - 1825 | First page | Register | Content |