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Statsarkivet i Bergen

AV/SAB-A-3301: Indre Sogn tingrett

1: Indre Sogn sorenskrivar - Del 1
F: Rettergang (I)
Fa: Tingbøker (Justisprotokollar)
Court journal no. A 32 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1734 - 1736 First page Content
Court journal no. A 33 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1737 - 1740 First page Content
Court journal no. A 34 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1740 - 1743 First page Content
Court journal no. A 35 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1743 - 1748 First page Content
Court journal no. A 36 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1748 - 1751 First page Content
Court journal no. A 37 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1751 - 1756 First page Content
Court journal no. A 38 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1756 - 1761 First page Content
Court journal no. A 39 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1762 - 1764 First page Content
Court journal no. A 40 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1765 - 1767 First page Content
Court journal no. A 41 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1767 - 1769 First page Content
Court journal no. A 42 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1769 - 1772 First page Content
Court journal no. A 43 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1772 - 1774 First page Register Content
Court journal no. A 44 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1775 - 1780 First page Register Content
Court journal no. A 45 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1780 - 1787 First page Register Content
Court journal no. A 49 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1804 - 1807 First page Register Content
Court journal no. A 51 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1814 - 1818 First page Register Content
Court journal no. A 52 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1818 - 1823 First page Register Content
1: Indre Sogn sorenskrivar - Del 1
F: Rettergang (I)
Fb: Ekstrarettsprotokoller
Fba: Ekstraretts- og åstadsprotokollar - Sivile og offentlege sakar
Extraordinary court records no. Ba 1 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1804 - 1810 First page Register Content
Extraordinary court records no. Ba 2 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1810 - 1814 First page Register Content
Extraordinary court records no. Ba 3 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1814 - 1818 First page Register Content
Extraordinary court records no. Ba 4 Indre Sogn sorenskr. 1818 - 1821 First page Register Content

AV/SAB-A-3401: Byfogd og Byskriver i Bergen

01: Rettergang
01Aa: Bytingsprotokoller og saker - Bytingsprotokoller
Court journal no. Aa 1 Bergen byfogd 19.01.1663 - 07.12.1663 First page Content
Court journal no. Aa 2 Bergen byfogd 1668 First page Content
Court journal no. Aa 3 Bergen byfogd 1669 First page Content
Court journal no. Aa 4 Bergen byfogd 1694 First page Content
Court journal no. Aa 5 Bergen byfogd 1695 First page Content
Court journal no. Aa 6 Bergen byfogd 1696 First page Content
Court journal no. Aa 7 Bergen byfogd 1697 First page Content
Court journal no. Aa 8 Bergen byfogd 1698 First page Content
Court journal no. Aa 9 Bergen byfogd 1699 First page Content
Court journal no. Aa 10 Bergen byfogd 1699 - 1700 First page Content
Court journal no. Aa 11 Bergen byfogd 1700 - 1701 First page Content
Court journal no. Aa 12 Bergen byfogd 1701 First page Content
01: Rettergang
01Cc: Ekstrarettssaker
Documents no. 133.13 1880 Sak 99/1880 mot Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen First page

SAB/A-5701: Overdommaren i Sogn og Fjordane jordskiftedøme

A: Forhandlingsprotokollar
Register of land consolidation no. 1 1949 - 1959 Indre Sogn First page
Register of land consolidation no. 2 1953 - 1974 Midtre Sogn First page
Register of land consolidation no. 3 1946 - 1971 Ytre Sogn First page
Register of land consolidation no. 4 1945 - 1956 Indre og Ytre Sunnfjord First page
Register of land consolidation no. 5 1924 - 1957 Indre Sunnfjord First page
Register of land consolidation no. 6 1952 - 1959 Indre Nordfjord First page
Register of land consolidation no. 7 1958 - 1976 Ytre Sunnfjord First page
Register of land consolidation no. 8 1938 - 1976 Ytre Nordfjord First page
Register of land consolidation no. 9 1944 - 1966 Ytre Sunnfjord First page
Register of land consolidation no. 10 1955 - 1972 Ytre Nordfjord First page
Register of land consolidation no. 11 1956 - 1970 Indre Sogn First page
Register of land consolidation no. 12 1957 - 1976 Midtre Sogn First page
Register of land consolidation no. 13 1957 - 1976 Ytre Sogn First page
Register of land consolidation no. 14 1958 - 1968 Indre Sunnfjord First page

SAB/A-5801: Overdomaren i Hordaland jordskiftedøme (II)

A: Forhandlingsprotokollar
Register of land consolidation no. 1 1933 - 1973 Nordhordland / Indre Nordhordland First page Register Content
Register of land consolidation no. 2 1959 - 1974 Indre Nordhordland First page Register Content