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Index to legal procedure records no. 6 | Stavanger byrett | 1933 - 1936 | Saksliste for meddomsretten | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 7 | Stavanger byrett | 1936 - 1940 | Saksliste for meddomsretten | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 8 | Stavanger byrett | 1940 - 1945 | Saksliste for meddomsretten | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 9 | Stavanger byrett | 1945 - 1947 | Saksliste for meddomsretten | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 10 | Stavanger byrett | 1947 - 1949 | Saksliste for meddomsretten, samt landssviksaker 1945 | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 11 | Stavanger byrett | 1949 - 1954 | Saksliste for meddomsretten | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 12 | Stavanger byrett | 1954 - 1958 | Saksliste for meddomsretten | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 13 | Stavanger byrett | 1958 - 1962 | Saksliste for meddomsretten | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 1 | 1945 | Register til landssviksaker | First page |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 1 | 1946 - 1950 | Sakslister for foreleggsaker i landssvik | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 1 | 1919 - 1921 | Journaler for skilsmissesaker | First page |
Index to legal procedure records no. 2 | 1921 - 1929 | Journaler for skilsmissesaker | First page |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 1 | 1920 - 1924 | Sakslister for Stavanger byting | First page | Content |
Index to legal procedure records no. 2 | 1920 - 1925 | Sakslister for Stavanger byting | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 3 | 1921 - 1923 | Sakslister for Stavanger byting | First page | Content |
Index to legal procedure records no. 4 | 1921 - 1926 | Sakslister for Stavanger byting | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 5 | 1922 - 1928 | Sakslister for Stavanger byting | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 6 | 1929 | Sakslister for Stavanger byting | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 1 | 1920 - 1927 | Sakslister for paternitetssaker | First page | Content |
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Extraordinary court records no. 1 | Stavanger byrett | 1920 - 1924 | First page | Register | Content |
Extraordinary court records no. 2 | Stavanger byrett | 1924 - 1930 | First page | Register | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 1 | Stavanger byrett | 1927 - 1930 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 2 | Stavanger byrett | 1927 - 1934 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 3 | Stavanger byrett | 1930 - 1933 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 4 | Stavanger byrett | 1934 - 1937 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 5 | Stavanger byrett | 1937 - 1939 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 6 | Stavanger byrett | 1939 - 1941 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 7 | Stavanger byrett | 1941 - 1942 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 8 | Stavanger byrett | 1942 - 1943 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 9 | Stavanger byrett | 1943 - 1945 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 10 | Stavanger byrett | 1945 - 1946 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 11 | Stavanger byrett | 1946 - 1947 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 12 | Stavanger byrett | 1947 - 1948 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 13 | Stavanger byrett | 1948 - 1949 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 14 | Stavanger byrett | 1949 - 1950 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 15 | Stavanger byrett | 1950 - 1951 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 16 | Stavanger byrett | 1951 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 17 | Stavanger byrett | 1952 - 1953 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 18 | Stavanger byrett | 1953 - 1954 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 19 | Stavanger byrett | 1954 - 1955 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 20 | Stavanger byrett | 1955 - 1956 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 21 | Stavanger byrett | 1956 - 1957 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 22 | Stavanger byrett | 1957 - 1958 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 23 | Stavanger byrett | 1958 - 1959 | Saksliste for A-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 1 | Stavanger byrett | 1927 - 1933 | Saksliste for B-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 2 | Stavanger byrett | 1927 - 1936 | Saksliste for B-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 3 | Stavanger byrett | 1936 - 1943 | Saksliste for B-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 4 | Stavanger byrett | 1943 - 1950 | Saksliste for B-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 5 | Stavanger byrett | 1950 - 1957 | Saksliste for B-saker | First page | Content |
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Index to legal procedure records no. 6 | Stavanger byrett | 1958 - 1965 | Saksliste for B-saker | First page | Content |
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