

Avaldsnes parish

Born and baptised - Avaldsnes local parish
Unknown year Page 1
1840-1849 1848 (s. 2) 1849 (s. 17)
1850-1859 1850 (s. 35) 1851 (s. 54) 1852 (s. 69) 1853 (s. 85) 1854 (s. 101) 1855 (s. 117) 1856 (s. 132)
Deceased and buried - Avaldsnes local parish
1850-1859 1854 (s. 146) 1855 (s. 149) 1856 (s. 153)
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Source information
Statsarkivet i Stavanger AV/SAST-A -101851/H/Ha/Hab/L0002
Link to Arkivportalen
SAST-A-101851: Avaldsnes sokneprestkontor
H: Kirkelige handlinger
Ha: Kirkebøker
Hab: Klokkerbøker
L0002: Klokkerbok B 2
Parish register (copy) no. B 2 /1848 - 1856 Rogaland county
Avaldsnes parish
Avaldsnes local parish
- Church books Sextons books, municipal officials books Personalia Births and christenings Deaths and burials State archives The church