

Oslo city

Wedding banns - Oslo Domkirke / Vår Frelsers congregation
1860-1869 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869
1870-1879 1870
Attachment - Oslo Domkirke / Vår Frelsers congregation
1860-1869 1868
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Source information
Statsarkivet i Oslo AV/SAO-A-10752/H/Ha/L0002
Link to Arkivportalen
SAO-A-10752: Oslo domkirke Kirkebøker
Ha: Lysningsbøker
L0002: Lysningsbok
Banns register no. 2 /1860 - 1870 Oslo county
Oslo city
Oslo Domkirke / Vår Frelsers congr.
- Church books Personalia Engagements, banns and marriage State archives The church