

Hisøy parish

Married - Hisøy local parish
1940-1949 1943 (s. 1) 1944 (s. 3) 1945 (s. 6)
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Inside cover Inside cover
Blank page Page 7
Recording poster Recording poster
Source information
Statsarkivet i Kristiansand AV/SAK-1111-0020/J/Jb/L0002
Link to Arkivportalen
SAK-1111-0020: Hisøy sokneprestkontor
J: Øvrighetsfunksjoner
Jb: Fødsels-, vigsels- og dødsfallsregistre
L0002: A-VI-5 - Vigselsregister
Marriage register no. A-VI-5 /1943 - 1945 Aust-Agder county
Hisøy parish
Hisøy local parish
- Church books Personalia Engagements, banns and marriage State archives The church