

Oslo city

Born and baptised - Oslo Domkirke / Vår Frelsers congregation
1820-1829 1821 (s. 0-1) 1821-1822 (s. 6-7) 1822 (s. 16-17) 1822-1823 (s. 56-57) 1823 (s. 72-73)
Confirmation - Oslo Domkirke / Vår Frelsers congregation
1820-1829 1823 (s. 136-137)
Deceased and buried males - Oslo Domkirke / Vår Frelsers congregation
1820-1829 1823 (s. 128-129) 1824 (s. 132-133)
In-migrated - Oslo Domkirke / Vår Frelsers congregation
1820-1829 1822 (s. 156-157) 1823 (s. 162-163) 1824 (s. 178-179)
Notes - Oslo Domkirke / Vår Frelsers congregation
1820-1829 1821-1824
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Source information
Statsarkivet i Oslo AV/SAO-A-10752/F/Fa/L0008
Link to Arkivportalen
SAO-A-10752: Oslo domkirke Kirkebøker
Fa: Kirkebøker
L0008: Kirkebok - tillegg til nr. 7
Parish register (official) no. 8 /1821 - 1824 Oslo county
Oslo city
Oslo Domkirke / Vår Frelsers congr.
- Church books Ministerial books Personalia Births and christenings Confirmations Deaths and burials Emigrations and change of domicile State archives The church