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Utstedte pass 1962 1
Utstedte pass 1963 57
Utstedte pass 1964 103
Utstedte pass 1965 149
Utstedte pass 1966 204
Framandpass 1962-1964 upaginert
Framandpass 1965-1983 254
Reisebevis 1968-1983 255
Reisebevis 1984 upaginert
Source information
Statsarkivet i Stavanger AV/SAST-A-101403/K/Ka/L0007
Link to Arkivportalen
SAST-A-101403: Rogaland politikammer
K: Passkontroll
Ka: Passprotokoller
L0007: Passprotokoll
Passport register no. 7 /01.03.1962 - 15.12.1966 - Passprotokoll Emigrations and change of domicile