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Table of contents

Utstedte pass 1931-1932 4
Utstedte pass 1933 36
Utstedte pass 1934 73
Utstedte pass 1935 108
Utstedte pass 1936 145
Melding om stram innbinding 155
Utstedte pass 1936 156
Reisekort 1935 192
Reisekort 1936 193
Reisekort 1932 198
Reisekort 1933 200
Reisekort 1934 202
Reisekort 1935 204
Fotojournal 207
Lause vedlegg 228
Source information
Statsarkivet i Stavanger AV/SAST-A-100440/K/L0005
Link to Arkivportalen
SAST-A-100440: Haugesund politikammer
K: Passkontroll
L0005: Passprotokoll 23/12-34-24/12-36
Passport register no. 5 /1934 - 1936 - Passprotokoll 23/12-34-24/12-36 Emigrations and change of domicile