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Table of contents

791 Simulering/havmiljø 791 Simulation, ocean environment 2
798.7 Diverse 798.7 Various 292
798.7 Maritime operasjoner 798.7 Maritime operations 293
Dykking på kontinentalsokkelen Diving on the continental shelf 326
Dykkertabeller for helium og oksygenblandinger Dive tables for helium and oxygen mixtures 614
Source information
Statsarkivet i Stavanger AV/SAST-A-101348/Db/L0004
Link to Arkivportalen
SAST-A-101348: Industridepartementet, Oljekontoret
Db: Saksarkiv ordnet uten nøkkel
L0004: Simulering, havmiljø og dykking
Other source no. 4 /1966 - 1973 - Simulering, havmiljø og dykking. Industry Oil and petroleum industries State archives Departmental institutions