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Table of contents

1: SOLAS 1960 3
2: Unsolidated merchant shipping legislation - Bahamas 267
3: The Public Inquiry into the Piper Alfa disaster I 495
4: The Public Inquiry into the Piper Alfa disaster II 763
Source information
Riksarkivet RA/S-2821/D/L0026
Link to Arkivportalen
S-2821: Justisdepartementet, Granskningsutvalget etter Scandinavian Star-ulykken 07.04.1990
D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
L0026: Møtereferater, journaler, korrespondanse, bilder, kart, avisutklipp m.m.
Other source no. 26 /07.04.1990 - 1991 - 0001 - SOLAS 1960 ; 0002 - Unsolidated merchant shipping ledgeslation - Bahamas ; 0003-0004 - The Public Inquiry into the Piper Alfa disaster Ships and boats Seafaring, Maritime State archives Departmental institutions