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Table of contents

1916 1
1917 11
1924 52
1925 57
1926 67
1927 75
1928 83
1929 95
1930 105
1931 114
1932 129
1933 141
1918 146
1919 169
1920 190
1921 205
1922 222
1923 230
1922 231
1923 234
1924 242
Source information
IKA Rogaland IKAR/A-104/C/Ca/L0004
Link to Arkivportalen
A-104: Strand kommune - Formannskapet/Rådmannskontoret
C: Journaler og overgripende registre
Ca: Journaler
L0004: Journal
Journal 1916 - 1924 - - Journals Municiple archives Chairmanship and municipal government