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Table of contents

1859 2
1860 4
1861 5
1862 6
1863 11
1864 13
1865 17
1866 18
1867 20
1868 22
1869 23
1870-1871 24
1872 29
1873 31
1874 35
1875 41
1876 44
1877 46
1879-1881 47
1882 48
1883 49
1884 50
1885 52
1886 54
1887-1888 56
1889 57
1890 63
1891 69
1892 73
1893 76
1894 78
1895 79
1896 81
1897 85
1898 88
1899 90
1900 92
1901 94
1902 95
1903 97
1904 98
1905 100
1906 101
1907 102
1908 106
1909 108
1910 109
1911 110
1912 112
1913 114
1914 116
Source information
IKA Rogaland IKAR/K-100052/C/L0001
Link to Arkivportalen
K-100052: Sogndal ladested - Formannskapet/kommunestyret
C: Journaler og overgripende registre
L0001: Brevjournal
Journal 1859 - 1914 - - Journals Municiple archives Chairmanship and municipal government