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Table of contents

Tittelblad 1
1888 2
1889 4
1890 7
1891 10
1892 16
1893 19
1894 21
1895 24
1896 27
1897 30
1898 33
1899 35
1900 38
1901 42
1902 49
1903 64
1904 71
1905 79
1906 83
1907 89
1908 97
1909 102
1910 106
1911 112
1912 117
1913 118
1914 120
1915 122
1916 123
1917 127
1918 130
1919 133
1920 136
1921 138
Source information
IKA Rogaland IKAR/K-100909/C/L0002
Link to Arkivportalen
K-100909: Ogna kommune- Formannskapet
C: Journal
L0002: Journal
Journal 1888 - 1921 - - Journals Municiple archives Chairmanship and municipal government