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Table of contents

Foredrag: "What is a user" etc. 3
NR-rapport (m/ Jostein Fjalestad) Group Interests and Participation in Information System Development 231
Forskningsprogrammet SYDPOL - rapport SYstem Development environment and Profession Oriented Languages 377
Brev 441
Program: 32nd International Seminar on the Teaching of Computing Science (1999) 533
Foredrag; "Those Were the Days? or Heroic Times Are Here Again?" (1996) 559
Undervisningsmateriale etc. 597
Source information
Riksarkivet AV/RA-PA-1398/F/Fh/L0001
Link to Arkivportalen
RA-PA-1398: Nygaard, Kristen
F: Tematisk ordnet arkiv
Fh: Systemarbeid/brukermedvirkning
L0001: Systemarbeid/brukermedvirkning
Other source no. 1 /1979 - 2002 - Foredrag 1991-1999; What is a user (håndskrevet, udatert); SYDPOL-rapport; NR-rapport (m/Fjalestad), artikler m/Håndlykken; undervisningsmateriale; brev Politicians Universities and colleges Private archives Archives of persons Scan on demand (NA)