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E. 1 1825 1
E. 1 1825, 1826 8, 9
E. 1 1826 10, 11
E. 1 1826, 1827 28, 29
E. 1 1827 30
Source information
University Museum of Bergen UMB/A007/A/Aa/L0001
Link to Arkivportalen
A007: Bergens Museum
A: Møtebøker, referatprotokoller, forhandlingsprotokoller o.l.
Aa: Møtebøker og forhandlingsprotokoller
L0001: Forhandlingsprotokoll
Minutes no. Nr.1 /01.06.1825 - 11.08.1827 - Meeting protocols State archives Institutional archives Museum The Museum of Bergen 200 years anniversary