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Oversiktsskjema over kassettkopier av lydbåndopptak 601
Source information
Statsarkivet i Kristiansand AV/SAK-D/0508/F/Fb/L0012D
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SAK-D/0508: Hartvig W. Dannevig
F: Emneordnet materiale
Fb: Lydbåndopptak med tradisjonsstoff generelt
L0012D: Katalog og sammendrag over Hartvig Dannevigs samling av intervjuer om kystkultur på Agder
Other source no. 12D /1964 - 1972 - Omfatter s. 601-1175; s. 1-600 og register finnes i L0012C. Audio, film and video Emigrations and change of domicile Music Trade Handcraft Industry Agriculture Farming Fisheries Communication and infrastructure Politics Missions Ships and boats Seafaring, Maritime Harbor pilot authority First world war Second world war Customs and excise authority The church Education authority Private archives Archives of persons Museum Interviews Scan on demand (NA)