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Table of contents

Brev 1924 1
Brev 1926 7
Brev 1927 35
Brev 1928 67
Brev 1929 103
Brev 1930 127
Brev 1931 203
Brev 1932 293
Brev 1933 353
Brev 1934 375
Brev 1935 409
Brev 1936 522
Brev 1937 602
Brev 1938 692
Brev 1939 774
Brev 1940 852
Brev 1941 898
Brev 1942 966
Brev 1943 1016
Brev 1944 1078
Brev 1945 1114
Brev 1946 1232
Brev 1947 1362
Source information
Statsarkivet i Trondheim AV/SAT-A-0426/1/D/L0001
Link to Arkivportalen
SAT-A-0426: Fauske menighetsråd
1: Første avlevering
D: Saksarkiv ordnet etter organets hovedsystem
L0001: Brev
Records archive no. 1 /1924 - 1947 - - Case archives Letters and correspondence State archives The church Scan on demand (NA)