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Tittelblad 1
Løst vedlegg 1
Borgerlige vigsler 1943 2
Borgerlige vigsler 1944 46
Borgerlige vigsler 1945 100
Source information
Statsarkivet i Hamar SAH/TING-002/L/Lc/L0001/0002
Link to Arkivportalen
SAH-TING-002: Nord-Gudbrandsdal tingrett
Lc: Vigselsprotokoller
L0001: Vigselsprotokoller
0002: Vigselsprotokoll Marriage register (civil) no. 1.2 /05.06.1943 - 07.04.1945 - - Notary publics Civil marriages Personalia Engagements, banns and marriage State archives Judges and clerks