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Table of contents

Filmingsplakat upaginert
1913 upaginert
1914 upaginert
1915 18
1916 30
1917 46
1918 61
1919 77
1920 92
1921 109
1922 122
1923 137
1924 146
1925 154
1926 170
1927 180
1928 192
1929 206
1930 218
1931 231
1932 245
1933 268
1934 284
1935 306
1936 325
1937 351
1937-1938 376
1937 377
1938 378
1939 396
1940 415
1941 428
1942 442
1943 451
1944 457
1945 464
Notatside 468
Source information
IKA Rogaland IKAR/K-101868/A/L0001
Link to Arkivportalen
K-101868: Erfjord kommune - Formannskapet
A: Møtebøker
L0001: Møtebok
Minutes 1913 - 1945 - - Meeting protocols Municiple archives Chairmanship and municipal government