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Table of contents

1842 1
1843-1844 2
1845-1846 3
1847 4
1848-1849 5
1850-1851 6
1852-1854 7
1855-1856 8
1858 10
1859 13
1860 16
1861-1862 23
1863 24
1864-1865 25
1866-1867 26
1868-1869 27
1870-1873 28
1874-1875 29
1876 30
1881 31
1882-1883 32
1884-1887 33
1888 34
1889 36
1890 37
1891 39
1892 40
1894 42
1895 43
1896-1897 44
1898 45
1899 46
1900 49
1901 50
1902 52
1903 58
1904 62
1905 68
1906 70
1907 74
1908 77
1909 78
1911 81
1912 82
1913 83
1914-1916 84
1917 86
Source information
IKA Rogaland IKAR/K-100597/B/L0001
Link to Arkivportalen
K-100597: Sauda kommune - Formannskapet/sentraladministrasjonen
B: Kopibøker
L0001: Kopibok
Copies of outgoing letters 1842 - 1917 - - Copy books Municiple archives Chairmanship and municipal government