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Table of contents

1892 upaginert
1892, 1876 1
1876 2-3
1877 12-13
1878 16-17
1879 26-27
1880 38-39
1881 52-53
1882 72-73
1883 92-93
1884 118-119
1885 138-139
1886 160-161
1887 190-191
1888 216-217
1889 242-243
1890 272-273
1891 314-315
Source information
IKA Rogaland IKAR/K-100277/B/L0003
Link to Arkivportalen
K-100277: Klepp kommune - Formannskapet
B: Kopibøker
L0003: Kopibok
Copies of outgoing letters 1877 - 1892 - - Copy books Municiple archives Chairmanship and municipal government