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Table of contents

1858 Hitterdalen 3
1858 4
1858-59 5
1859 6
1860 15
1860-61 25
1861 26
1861-62 36
1862 37
1863 50
1863-64 59
1864 60
1864-65 66
1865 67
1865-66 73
1866 74
1867 81
1868 89
1861 Heltvedstveien 114
1862-63 115
1864-65 116
1866 117
1867 118
1858-59 Tindelven 126
1859 127
1859-60 140
1860 141
1860-61 144
1861 145
1862 155
1863 165
1864 175
1864-65 179
1865 180
1866 182
1867 186
1868 190
1859 Sillejord 214
1859-60 215
1860-61 216
1861 217
1861-62 220
1862 221
1862-63 225
1863 226
1864 229
1865-66 233
1866 234
1867 235
1868 236
1862-67 250
1867 251
1858-59 Melum 264
1859-60 265
1860 266
1861 269
1862 274
1862-63 277
1863 278
1863-64 281
1864 282
1865 285
1865-66 290
1866 291
1866-67 296
1867 297
1867-68 300
1868 301
1858-59 Olgestad 306
1859 307
1860 310
1861 312
1861-62 313
1862 314
1863 317
1863-64 319
1864 320
1865 321
1865-66 323
1866 324
1867 326
index 341
Source information
Telemark museum TEMU/TGM-A-1212/E/Ea/L0003
Link to Arkivportalen
TGM-A-1212: Blehr/ Kjellestad
E: Saksarkiv ordnet etter evt. andre (sideordnede) systemer
Ea: Merkebøker
L0003: Merkebok
Other source 1858 - 1869 - - Trade Sawmill and lumber industry