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Harald Norvik - "Lederforum 4. desember 1992", Sokkelutviklingen utenfor Midt-Norge" 1991, "En verden i forandring - Hva gjør norsk næringsliv?" 1992 1991-1992 upaginert
Harald Norvik - "Statoil's role and development" 1989, "Status and perspectives for Statoil" 1989, "Hvor går norsk oljevirksomhet" 1991, "Exploration and produktion [...]" 1992 1989-1992 upaginert
Harald Norvik - "Gas exports from Norway - consolidation or further growth?" 1995, """Producer/buyer relationsships in an integrated Europe" 1997 1995-1997 upaginert
Johan Nic. Vold - "Strategisk arbeid i Statoil" 1991, "Perspektiver på norsk sokkel" 1993 1991-1993 upaginert
Johan Nic. Vold - "Expanding in the Eurpean oil and gas market" 1990, "Internasjonalisering - En ny æra" 1991 1990-1991 upaginert
Johan Nic. Vold - "Norwegian investment in offshore exploration [...]"1992, "Competing for industry resources" 1998, "Project development in a new era" 1995 1992-1998 upaginert
Johan Nic. Vold - "Oil and gas - the ten year [...]" 1991, Impact of the middle east crisis [...]" 1990, "New geopolitical realities [...]" 1992, "Implications for Norway's role as a leading european hydrokarbon [...]" 1993, "Renewed strenght [...]" 1994 1990-1994 upaginert
Source information
Statsarkivet i Stavanger AV/SAST-A-101656/0001/E/Ea/Eag/L0015
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SAST-A-101656: Pa 1339 - Statoil ASA
0001: Sentralarkivet/ Fjernarkivet
E: Saksarkiv ordnet etter evt. andre (sideordnede) systemer
Ea: Avdelings-, prosjekt- og medarbeiderarkiver
Eag: Informasjon og samfunnskontakt (INF)
L0015: Foredrag
Records archive no. 15 /1989 - 1998 - - Case archives Industry Oil and petroleum industries Private archives Company archives Scan on demand (NA)