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Table of contents

1894 1
1895 13
1896 43
1897 63
1898 84
1899 112
1900 134
1901 156
1902 181
1903 208
1904 242
1905 266
1906 298
1907 328
1908 361
1909 402
1910 439
1911 470
1912 520
Source information
IKA Rogaland IKAR/K-102468/A/Aa/L0003
Link to Arkivportalen
K-102468: Kopervik Kommune - Formannskapet og Bystyret
A: Møtebøker
Aa: Formannskapet
L0003: Møtebok
Minutes 1894 - 1912 - - Meeting protocols Municiple archives Chairmanship and municipal government