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Table of contents

1837 upaginert
1838 upaginert
1839 2
1840 10
1841 19b
1842 27
1843 32
1844 34b
1845 40
1846 41b
1847 45b
1848 51
1849 55
1850 62
1851 66b
1852 73b
1853 73b
1854 78
1855 31b
1856 87
1857 90
1858 95b
1859 100b
1860 165
1861 109b
1862 114b
1863 121
1864 125
1865 133
1866 139b
1867 143b
1868 151b
1869 156b
1870 162b
1871 167b
1872 172b
1873 178b
1874 188b
1875 195b
1876 207
1877 215b
1878 225
1885 231b
Source information
Achive in Nordland AIN/K-18150.150/A/L0002
Link to Arkivportalen
K-18150.150: Vega kommune. Formannskapet
A: Møtebøker
L0002: Møtebok
Minutes no. L0002 /16.02.1837 - 02.01.1885 - - Meeting protocols Municiple archives Chairmanship and municipal government