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Utstedte pass 1893 upaginert
Utstedte pass 1894 upaginert
Utstedte pass 1895 upaginert
Utstedte pass 1896 upaginert
Utstedte pass 1897 upaginert
Utstedte pass 1898 upaginert
Utstedte pass 1899 upaginert
Utstedte pass 1900 upaginert
Utstedte pass 1901 upaginert
Source information
Statsarkivet i Bergen AV/SAB-A-60401/L/La/Lab/L0008
Link to Arkivportalen
SAB-A-60401: Bergen politikammer / politidistrikt
L: Pass
La: Passprotokoller
Lab: Passprotokoller
L0008: Passprotokoll
Passport register no. 8 /1893 - 1901 - - Emigrations and change of domicile State archives Police and sheriffs