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RA/PA-0761: Nasjonal Samling (NS) Riksøkonomiavdelingen

F: NS Riksøkonomiavdeling
Fk: NS medlemsregister
Fkb: Serie II "Ikke avgjorte saker"
L0011 Holu - Jens 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0012 Jens - Jørg 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0013 Jørg - Korn 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0014 Korn - Lars 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0015 Lars - Lundb 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0016 Lunde - Mjø 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0017 Mo - Nils 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0018 Nils - Ols 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0019 Ols - Pett 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0020 Pett - Ruc 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0021 Rud - Schu 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0022 Schu - Solba 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0023 Solbe - Sundb 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0024 Sunde - Tor(e)s 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0025 Tor(e)s - Ven 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0026 Ver - Ø 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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F: NS Riksøkonomiavdeling
Fk: NS medlemsregister
Fkc: Topografisk medlemskartotek, inndelt etter Fylkesorganisasjonen
L0001 FO 1 Aust-Viken (Østfold) 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0002 FO 1 Aust-Viken (Østfold) og FO 2 Akershus 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0003 FO 2 Akershus 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0004 FO 2 Akershus og FO 3 Vest-Viken (Buskerud og Vestfold) 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0005 FO 3 Vest-Viken (Buskerud og Vestfold) 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0006 FO 3 Vest-Viken (Buskerud og Vestfold) 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0007 FO 3 Vest-Viken (Buskerud og Vestfold) og FO 4 Hedmark 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0008 FO 4 Hedmark 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0009 FO 4 Hedmark og FO 5 Oppland 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0010 FO 5 Oppland 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0011 FO 5 Oppland 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0012 FO 8 Telemark 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0013 FO 8 Telemark og FO 9 Agder 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0014 FO 9 Agder og FO 11 Rogaland 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0015 FO 11 Rogaland og FO 12 Bergen og Hordaland 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0016 FO 12 Bergen og Hordaland, FO 13 Sogn og Fjordane og FO 15 Møre og Romdal 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0017 FO 15 Møre og Romdal og FO 16 Sør-Trøndelag 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0018 FO 18 Sør-Trøndelag 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0019 FO 16 Sør-Trøndelag og FO 17 Nord-Trøndelag 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0020 FO 18 Nordland og FO 19 Troms 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0021 FO 19 Troms og FO 20 Finnmark 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0022 FO 01 - FO 15, Register over antall medlemmer distriktene 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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L0023 FO 16 - FO 20, Register over antall medlemmer i distriktene 1940 - 1945 First page Content
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RA/PA-0766: NS Førergarden

P: Førergardens kartotek
L0001 Aa-E 1940 - 1945 First page
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L0002 F-Hol 1940 - 1945 First page
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L0003 Hol-Lud 1940 - 1945 First page
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L0004 Lun-Rin 1940 - 1945 First page
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L0005 Ris-S 1940 - 1945 First page
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L0006 T-Ø 1940 - 1945 First page
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RA/PA-0857: Skjold, Lars

F: Etterlatte papirer fra krigsårene
L0001/0002 --: Dagbok 1941 - 1943 Lars Skjold (1901-1977) var kjøpmann i Haugesund og motstandsmann under 2. verdenskrig, bl.a. som medlem av Kompani Linge. First page

RA/PA-0858: Songedal, Randi

F: Kvinnelig arbeidstjeneste
L0001 -- 1942 - 1947 Inneholder bl.a. notater fra inspeksjonsreiser til AT-leirer i Hedmark, og søknader m.m. fra kommuner i Hedmark fylke om å få opprette AT-leirer. First page Content
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RA/PA-1007: Nasjonalhjelpen til de skadelidte distrikter/frihetskampens ofre

D: Sakarkiv, hovedrekken
Da: Sentralkontoret
Daa: Del I
Daah: Sakarkiv VIII (Innhold fra brevordnere)
L0014/0001 --: Tælavågfolket 12.06.1944 - 12.04.1945 First page
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G: Utvalg
Gc: Byggeutvalget
L0002/0001 Svenskehusene, sakarkiv: Arbeidsutvalget for svenskehusene 1941 - 1942 First page
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L0003/0005 Svenskehusene, sakarkiv: Svenskehus 1942 - 1947 First page
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