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Statsarkivet i Oslo

SAO/A-11715: Oslo folkeregister, Registerkort

Di: Navneregister IX, kvinner (pikekort, utflyttede, utvandrede og døde)
L0042 Kvinner: Brænden Ragna - Brodtkorb Kristine 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0043 Kvinner: Brodtkorb Aud - Brundahl Else 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0044 Kvinner: Brundahl Gjerline - Brørs Inghild 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0045 Kvinner: Brørs Julie - Braathen Mary 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0046 Kvinner: Braathen Mathilde - Bull Ulrikke 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0047 Kvinner: Bull Unni - Bøe Elida 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0048 Kvinner: Bø Eline - Børmarken Sigrid 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0049 Kvinner: Børmagen Jertrude - Christie Amalie 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0050 Kvinner: Christie Anne - Dahl Halfrid 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0051 Kvinner: Dahl Hanna - Dahlberg Gudrund 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0052 Kvinner: Dahlberg Gunda - Damberg Hanna 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0053 Kvinner: Damberg Hjordis - Debes Rigmor 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0054 Kvinner: Debes Vera - Diesen Karen Sofie 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0055 Kvinner: Diesen Sofie - Duedahl Liv 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0056 Kvinner: Duedal Marta - Døvre Klara 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0057 Kvinner: Døvre Marit - Eggen Vally 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0058 Kvinner: Eggen Aagot - Eikefjord Audrine 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0059 Kvinner: Eikel Aasta - Ekeberg Ruth 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0060 Kvinner: Ekeberg Ruth - Eliassen Brynhild 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0061 Kvinner: Eliassen Cecilie - Ellingsen Ingrid 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0062 Kvinner: Ellingsen Ingrid - Endresen Margareth 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0063 Kvinner: Endresen Johanne - Ingebretsen Marie 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0064 Kvinner: Ingebretsen Eva - Engelsen Margit 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0065 Kvinner: Engelsen Martine - Engenes Ragna 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0066 Kvinner: Engnas Ruth - Eriksen Borghild 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0067 Kvinner: Eriksen Borghild - Eriksen Hanna 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0068 Kvinner: Eriksen Hanna - Eriksen Marie 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0069 Kvinner: Eriksen Marie - Eriksen Thora 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0070 Kvinner: Eriksen Thora - Evebø Klara 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0071 Kvinner: Evenhus Astrid - Evensen Aase 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0072 Kvinner: Evensen Aase - Falstad Randi 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0073 Kvinner: Falstad Solveig - Filbakk Olaug 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0074 Kvinner: Filberg Nora - Fjeld Gerda 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0075 Kvinner: Fjeld Gudrun - Fjuk Ragna 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0075A Kvinner: Fjulsrud Else - Flyen Sylvia 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0075B Kvinner: Flyg Esther - Forøy Astrid 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0075C Kvinner: Foss Agnes - Fossum Gerda 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0075D Kvinner: Fossum Gudrun - Fredriksen Dagny 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0075E Kvinner: Fredriksen Dorothea - Frey Wigdis 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0075F Kvinner: Fribakk Kassandra - Frydenlund Olaug 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0076 Kvinner: Frydenlund Olga - Furuseth Magnhild 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0077 Kvinner: Furuset Margit - Garborg Jane 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0078 Kvinner: Garborg Kristine - Giske Ingeborg 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0079 Kvinner: Giske Jenny - Gjertsen Dagny 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0080 Kvinner: Gjertsen Dina - Glükstadt Rigmor 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0081 Kvinner: Glytt Aase - Gran Sina 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0082 Kvinner: Gran Sina - Grefsrud Jodan 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0083 Kvinner: Grefsrud Maren - Grini Ragna 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0084 Kvinner: Grini Ruth - Grøndahl Måalfrid 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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L0085 Kvinner: Grøndahl Olaug - Gude Agnes 01.01.1936 - 31.12.1948 First page
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